Henan Xinbaoneng Sci&Tech Development Co.,Ltd
Name:Henan Xinbaoneng Sci&Tech Development Co.,Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: redispersible polymer powder
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Inorganic acids
Product spec: enhance adhesive,water-proof
Packing: 25kg bags
Post Time: 2024-05-22
Usage: mortar,wall putty,plaster,coating and painting, tile adhesive
Description: RDP is the most important additives in mortar. ◉Improved workability: RDP helps achieve a smooth and consistent consistency, making it easier to mix, spread, and apply the mortar. ◉Increased adhesion: Such as bricks, blocks, or concrete surfaces. It helps a strong and durable bond between the mortar and the substrate. ◉Enhanced flexibility: RDP imparts flexibility to the mortar, allowing it to accommodate minor movements or substrate changes without cracking,such as exterior walls or floors. ◉Improved water resistance: It reduces the risk of moisture penetration and damage, making the mortar more durable and resistant to weathering. ◉Increased durability: It enhances the mortar''s resistance to aging, weathering, and abrasion, ensuring long-term performance and stability.
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